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There Can Only Be One Page 6

  Likewise, Kristine had some new powers of her own. She had a mission of her own locally. They spent the night pleasing each other before Prince set off for Ohio. Each had a promising lead to follow up on.


  "Welcome to America!" a happy emigrant sang as the plane landed. He said it again as they lined up for customs check. The man was pretty well off in his native Guyana but sold it all for passage to America.

  "Excuse me, you. Yes, you. Step out of line for additional screening," a customs agent directed and directed him into a room. He joined the other curious passengers waiting for screening. Most prayed to whoever they prayed to not to get sent back. To their relief, they only received a quick medical exam and vaccination.

  "What exactly is this?" an elderly lady asked when the nurse approached her with a syringe filled with a murky liquid.

  "Passage into America. Unless you wanna go back to your rice paddy!" the woman barked. She was all bark but no bite when the elderly lady began to get younger right before her eyes. She went from Asian to a mixed Egyptian black in a few seconds.

  "I'll ask you again," Kristine asked politely. She could afford to be sweet since her long fangs were anything but.

  "I don't know what's in it! I get paid a hundred bucks for every positive reaction!" she blurted and gave Kristine the whole story. And what a story it was.

  "What government? This government?" she asked incredulously.

  "America!" the nurse shot back like, “who else”. She wasn't particularly patriotic, but America would be her last words.

  Kristine struck with the speed of light and bit into her throat. She squirmed and struggled which only shortened her struggle. The vampire greedily slurped down the woman's blood.

  "Give your bosses a message," she told the corpse as she left if behind. She and Prince usually disposed of their victims to stay under the radar. Now they left a trail of corpses as a calling card. They were the hunters and the hunted.


  Mrs. Andrews awoke and took a hearty old lady pee to start her day. She popped her smile in her mouth and stepped out of the bathroom to fix her morning cup of coffee. She only made it two steps before stopping dead in her tracks when she came face to face with herself.

  "Huh?" she asked and squinted at the mirror image of her own image.

  "Huh?" her other self asked and mocked her movements. Her reflection raised its hand when she did. They both waved right then left. The reflection broke ranks and delivered a mighty slap that knocked her smile back into the bathroom and her into her wide ass.

  "You!" Mrs. Andrews said to her other self when she turned into the Dark Prince. Both he and Kristine could now shift into almost any shape they wanted.

  "Me," he growled and transformed halfway into the wolf. "Where is my son's blood? Who sent you?"

  Mrs. Andrews wanted to lie but the large animal above with drool dripping from it's foot long fangs were better than the best truth serum. She would rather tell the truth than be eaten.

  "A company in Washington! You won't give them the cure, so they decided to take it. They think your child is the link between humans and vampires!" she rattled on until she ended at the Washington DC lab being where she delivered the vial of blood to.

  Prince slowly transformed back into his whole self but was no less scary. The woman watched hopefully from below as he pondered their situation. His next stop was Washington DC but who was next? When would it end? Would his child be safe? What he did know was she had to die. The claws on one hand popped out and took her head off with one quick swipe. He watched it roll away and plotted his next move.


  "Humph," Kristine huffed when Prince shared his finding. She shared what she found out and pondered their situation. DC was first but what was next?

  "We have to keep him close. They will come for him!" Prince threw into the equation. If it wasn't bad enough to have Katrina on their heels, they now had to worry about the government.

  "DC is just a lab. Homeland Security has to be behind this," she surmised since that was who they dealt with to cure or kill the country's vampire population.

  "They haven't asked for the formula in weeks!" Prince added. That was rare since they had been asking daily. "That's how they knew we would be in Detroit!"

  "Well, they don't know we'll be in Washington. It's time to pay them a visit!" she said and let her fangs hang.

  "Put those up before you scare the children," he reminded as their child ran and played with other children. Young Martin still showed no outward signs of being a vampire except for reading minds. Even that was dangerous in the wrong hands.

  "Come on, baby! Time to go home," she called and collected her child. They called Melcina on the way home so they could all make the trip to DC.

  Kristine went straight to her lab to work on her latest weapon. They wanted her son's blood son bad she was going to give it to them. She came with the idea of delivering it as they set off on I-95 south.

  "I can't wait until I can walk around in the sun!" Melcina pouted once the vibration of the vehicle rocked the kid to sleep. The heavy tint on the car allowed her to remove the layers of clothing she wore to ward off the sun rays.

  "Be patient. You will. There are plenty vampires left to kill. Then, there will be only three, not one!" Kristine replied. She knew they could all live in peace once all the rest were dead. "We just have to stay under the radar until this is done."

  "Not sure how long that's going to last," Prince sighed as he made an abrupt lane changed while watching the rearview. His head shook when the three matching SUVs changed with him.

  "Who is that?" Kristine asked. She got the answer to her question when she saw the identical tinted out vehicles behind them. "So much for low key!"

  "You drive while I—" Prince was saying until Kristine opened the passenger door and jumped out. The vehicle was doing almost a hundred miles an hour, but she didn't stumble or fall. Instead, she took off running full speed at the first vehicle.

  "I got it!" Melcina offered as she climbed from the backseat to take the wheel.

  Prince watched in amazement when his wife jumped and dove head first into their first vehicle. Her claws and fangs spread as she penetrated the windshield. She flew through the truck and out the back window along with the heads of the four occupants.

  "Show off!" Prince said below as he flew over her. He landed in front of the next vehicle and lowered his shoulder. The truck crumbled against his body like it hit a concrete barrier. It somersaulted overhead and landed on it top. Kristine landed on it's underside and punched through the gas tank.

  The last truck came to a screeching halt when the second truck exploded. The driver slammed the SUV in reverse and floored it. The vampire hunting couple of vampires looked at each other, then took off after it.

  "What the fuck!" the driver screamed when they caught up and ran along side the vehicle travelling sixty miles an hour in reverse.

  "They said we just had to follow them!" one of the men in the back moaned. That is despite the HK-MP5 on his lap.

  "Roll it down," Prince said through the glass, while making the motion with his hand.

  "Un uh! Don't roll it down!" the passenger screamed. He had a machine gun as well but knew it was useless after Prince just flipped a whole truck over with his shoulder. He turned his head and saw Kristine running along the other side of the truck.

  "Let's see what he wants," the driver said since he couldn't outrun them. He rolled it down and cracked a friendly smile even though he was weaving through traffic backwards. "Um, hey?"

  "Who do you work for?" Prince asked.

  "Not allowed to say," the driver said since they weren't allowed to say. Prince just peered into his brain and got the answer from his mind, then attacked.

  Prince snatched the driver out of the open window and tossed him into oncoming traffic on the other side of the highway. A big rig quickly put him out of his misery as it rolled over him with eight of its eightee
n wheels.

  Kristine refused to be outdone and snatched the passenger door off. The passenger turned his gun on her and opened fire. She opened her mouth and swallowed like she did with her husband.

  "My turn!" she said like she did when she was at home with her husband. Except this time she spit those same nine millimeter rounds back with just as much velocity. Prince put his shoulder down once again and nudged the truck off the highway. It rolled down the embankment and burst into flames.

  Prince and Kristine let their wings out and took off into the air. They scanned both sides of the highway for potential threats, but found none. They spotted their own vehicle still moving and quickly caught up with it.

  They climbed back into the open window and came face to face with their child. Young Martin blinked in disbelief and his parents had some 'splaining to do.


  "You see, son..." Prince began. It was time to say something to the shocked boy when they finally made it to DC. What to say was the question.

  "Mommy and daddy are different," Kristine added and nodded as if she just solved it. Her son squinted at her then turned back to his father.

  "Different," he cosigned and looked towards his wife.

  "I think I understand," Martin said. The boy's IQ was through the roof, so he picked up things rather quickly. He had yet to start kindergarten but was already reading at a college level.

  "You do?" his mother asked eagerly. She was ready to put it to bed so they could handle the business they came for.

  "Yes. Daddy is Batman! And you're Bat Girl!" the child cheered with the enthusiasm of childhood.

  "Yes!" both parents shouted together. It was no worse than Santa and the Easter bunny lies they told already. One day they would just explain everything at once.

  "Okay, that's cool. I'm not judging,” the kid said and went to hook up his game systems. Who was he to judge anyway when he had secrets of his own?

  "That went well!" Prince said, declaring victory.

  "No. No, it did not," Kristine laughed and shook her head. They both stood as well and got ready for their mission.

  Being shape shifters saved time on disguises since they could change appearance in an instant. It backfired at times when Kristine would morph into an old Jewish lady while they made love. Prince got her back by turning into the 45th president. Not even Mrs. Trump wants to sleep with Mr. Trump.

  They followed the directions they gleamed from the minds of the driver of the truck and found themselves in front on a nondescript building. Kristine could tell by discrete sounds and smells that a lab was located inside.

  "Tight security. I don't want to cause a scene until we find the lab," Prince said as they watched from across the street.

  "And once we do, I'm going to make a scene alright a crime scene!" Kristine growled and bared her fangs.

  "Easy. You know you turn me on when you growl like that!" he growled back. They shared a kiss that could have led to more if two guards hadn't come out of the building on their way to lunch.

  "Rain check!" she offered and hopped out. He got out and followed her across the street. They transformed into the same guards who just pulled away.

  "You guys back already?" another guard asked as he buzzed them inside.

  "Yeah. I forgot my umm, and the..." Prince said over his shoulder as he led the way inside.

  "Up," Kristine said as she read the signs. They entered the elevator and rode up to the top floor.

  "Vampires!" Prince said as the doors opened. He felt the presence before the doors opened. Both of their eyes went wide when they saw at least fifty newly made vampires.

  "What the—" Kristine said when she saw rows of vampires strapped to gurneys in a separate room. The domes over the beds were like incubators. They were breeding vampires.

  "You handle that. I'll get them," Prince said and nodded towards a bunch of scientist in another lab. They nodded and went their separate ways.

  Kristine went into her bag of tricks and came out with what looked like a smoke bomb. She opened the door, ignited it, and tossed it inside. She quickly shut it before the deadly fumes could reach her. While their son’s blood could supercharge her and Prince, it was instant death for normal vampires. It would kill them too once the effects wore off. A fact she kept from her husband until she could figure out a way to fix it.

  Kristine braced herself for the rush that came with each vampire kill. This many at once might knock her off her feet. Yet nothing came. The synthetic vampires were too new and too weak to transfer any powers.

  "Excuse me?" Prince called out as he stepped into the secure lab. The lab rats inside looked more perturbed by the interruption than his presence.

  "Another one got out," one of the scientist sighed. Their unwilling participants tried to escape every chance they got.

  "I got it," one said with a sigh and grabbed a syringe. He took one step towards Prince but Prince tapped him on his shoulder from behind.

  "Psst," Prince whispered and turned the man’s head completely around to face him. The crunch of bones and cartilage turned all heads. The gory sight set off a panic as they rushed for the door.

  Kristine watched proudly as the black blur sped around the room, turning the windows and walls red with blood. Prince felt no thirst but still sampled some of the blood he shed. He was a vampire after all and it was blood. She took the opportunity to overload all systems. Then unhooked the gas lines and removed the hard drives from computers.

  "Let's go!" she shouted once she had what she needed. There were a couple of scientists left alive but no more time. They both ran for the windows and leapt through just as the building exploded. The force of the blast behind them hurled them high into the air. They spread their wings and flew back towards their hotel.

  "Someone's gonna be big mad!" she said of the inferno behind them.

  "Yup. At least we won't have to go looking for them anymore," Prince said, then added the ominous reason. "They're gonna come looking for us!"


  "Have fun and be safe," Kristine advised as Melcina prepared to go out for the night. A group of wannabe vampires came across her social media feed, so she made a date to go be social and feed.

  "Come with!" she asked excitedly. "Martin is with his dad. They won't even miss you!"

  "You think?" Kristine asked in hopes of being talked into it. Besides, she could eat.

  "I'm sure! Plus, it'll be fun. Girls night out!" she said and sealed the deal. Prince nodded and grunted when she filled him in on their plans for the evening. He and his son were engaged in a heated game of Madden and didn't need the interruption.

  "He'll swear I didn't say anything to him," Kristine said as they set out of the hotel and into the night.

  "Race you," Melcina dared and took off. She couldn't fly but could run with the wind. Kristine laughed and let her get a few blocks lead. One mighty leap and she landed in front of her when she reached the storefront church the wannabes used as a meeting place.

  "Almost!" Kristine laughed at the look of frustration on her face. "Don't worry, chica. You'll get stronger."

  "Maybe tonight," she said as the presence of a vampire inside reached them.

  "Maybe," Kristine replied and led the way inside. They both stifled a laugh at the fuckery inside.

  "Blood of Jesus," the vampire/preacher said and passed a chalice around.

  "Did he say, Heysues?" Melcina asked of the Latino pronunciation of Jesus.

  "He did," kristine laughed. The presence of two real vampires lifted Jesus's head.

  "We have guest! Greetings!" he greeted. "Welcome to the church of Heysues!"

  "Mmhm. Just what lies are you telling these people?" Kristine asked since she could see they were all still mortal. All nefarious types in search of powers to advance their debauchery. They were night people who did dirt under the cover of darkness.

  "Lies? Lies!" Heysues boomed and laughed. He had a charisma that attracted the hundred people sitting in his p
ews. "I'm offering eternal life! Who wants to live forever?"

  "Meee!" a hundred voices called and two hundred hands raised.

  "Live forever, huh?" Melcina laughed. "Drink that blood and you're dying tonight!"

  "Yup!" Kristine cosigned when she saw the bite marks on their necks. The slick vampire fed off his congregation for free. Now he would turn them so he could kill them and absorb their powers.

  "Lies!" Heysues challenged. He lifted his challis and his flocked lifted theirs. He turned his up and they did the same.

  "Can't say we ain't warn 'em," Melcina shrugged. Kristine opened her mouth to agree but got stuck when the mortals turned to immortals instantly.

  "Martin's blood!" she surmised when the humans instantly turned into vampires. Both women pulled their silver swords and attacked.

  Arms, legs and heads tumbled in the air as they slashed their way through the church. Heysues wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed but knew enough to make a run for it.

  "I got him! You finish them!" Kristine said and took off after him. He went out the back door and she went after him. She took a leap and landed in front of him in the alley.

  "Hey! Hey! Be easy! I'm just tryna eat!" Heysues pleaded with his hands out.

  "I get it. We cool. No problem," she said understandingly. "I just need to know where you got that blood from?"

  "I'm not saying!" he said defiantly. Pretty much like Kristine figured. That's why she asked the question so he would think of the answer. He didn't need to say it outloud since she could go inside his mind and get it.

  "Thanks!" she nodded and bit a chunk out of his chest. She reached in and snatched out his beating heart. There was an awkward silence as they both looked at the organ in her hand. "Have some?"

  Heysues blinked twice and died once. Kristine shrugged and took a bite like it was a crisp apple. She turned and walked back into the church. It looked nothing like it did when she left. Body parts littered the floor, walls, and even the ceiling. Melcina sat back rubbing her bloated belly and picking meat from her fangs.