There Can Only Be One Read online

Page 7

  "Done?" Kristine asked as she looked around.

  "Done!" she said and followed her out. It was time to go home.


  "Here?" Prince asked and squinted at the building in front of them. The family health clinic treated the city's poor and needy. A perfect pool of people to experiment on.

  "This is what he said. Well thought out," Kristine said. This was the place Heysues said he acquired Martin's blood. She confirmed it was the real deal when she found traces of it left in the challis. It was diluted but the real deal.

  "Well let's go inside," he said and led the way. They couple transformed into a disheveled elderly couple and limped inside.

  "Can we get some help? My husband feeling sick!" Kristine wailed when they walked through the door. She saw the nurse’s eyes light up when she spotted them. They were the perfect patients for their new client.

  A large pharmaceutical company kicked them a nice kick back for every person they hooked on their products. It was the opioid epidemic all over again except they were making synthetic vampires to sell their synthetic cures to.

  The nurses looked at the elderly couple then at each other. Their eyes lit up with dollar signs at the two new patients to pawn the drugs on. They had no idea what the end results were and didn't care. The company paid per head and two more heads just walked in.

  "Right back here," one said with glee and escorted them to the rear.

  "Feel that?" The elderly Prince asked when they reached the hallway.

  "My baby," Kristine snared. She almost blew her cover when her fangs slid past the old lady lips. Luckily, the greedy nurse was too eager to inject her with the new drug and didn't see.

  "Looks like the flu. I better treat you both," she suggested and retrieved a vial made from the blood stolen from their son. They could both feel the essence of the boy in the vial. Proof of just how powerful and potent their child was.

  "We have a treat for you!" Kristine cheered as her and Prince turned into her and Prince. The woman's eyes went wide with questions that she would never get the answer to. Instead, the vampires shared her blood like young lovers sipping one drink from two straws. Except in this case each took a jugular vein and sucked her dry.

  The second nurse entered and became desert. Both separated and searched the clinic. Workers became snacks while they spared the patients. They were going to need a new clinic though because this one was closed.

  "Find anything?" Prince asked when they met back up outside.

  "The rest of this," Kristine replied and held up the vials of solution made from Martin's blood. She looked at the company information on the box and found the source. "Looks like we're going to Denver."


  "Kill the head and the body will die," Prince said as the family traveled to Colorado. They tracked the owners down to California. They planned to pay them a visit soon but first stop was Denver.

  "Yes," Kristine agreed and cast a glance at her child in the back seat. She would give her life to keep him safe. A soft smile spread on her face knowing that Melcina sleeping beside him would give hers, as well. So would her husband, but she would kill the rest of the world to keep it from coming to that.

  "I'm hungry," Melcina pouted when she blinked awake in conjunction with the setting sun.

  "We'll stop soon so we can grab a bite," Prince offered. The truck stops that littered the nations highways were always good for a quick meal. They were filled with rogue truck drivers and lounge lizards who no one would miss. They were the fast food for a family of vampires.

  "There," Kristine said and pointed at the golden arches high above. On cue, their son popped his head up like he could sense the happy meals ahead. He could he could sense a lot of things.

  "I'm on it," Prince said and switched lanes so he could exit. There was plenty of activity around the parked trucks and Melcina licked her lips in anticipation.

  "I'll take him inside," Kristine offered when they pulled in front of the restaurant. She took Martin by the hand and led him inside while Prince and Melcina headed for the parked trucks.

  "Mmm, I want him!" Melcina sang when an obese trucker waddled by. He was shoving donuts into his mouth from a box of a dozen as if they were potato chips.

  "Too sweet for me," Prince said and scrunched his face. He spotted a lounge lizard slither by and licked his lips. They bumped fist and went in different directions.

  "Looking for a good time?" the addict asked when Prince approached.

  "I am!" he said and bared his fangs. The woman realized she was in trouble and took off running. Prince walked at a slow pace and followed her to the source. She ran directly to her pimps car and hopped in the passenger seat.

  "What the hell wrong with you? And where is my money?" was all he wanted to know. She was too scared for words and could only point. "A vampire? You scared of a vampire!"

  The man grabbed his trusty vampire repellant kit. He just paid $99.99 on Amazon and couldn't wait to give it a try.

  "Uh oh!" Prince said and stopped in his tracks when the man appeared with his bag of tricks.

  "Un uh! Too late now!" the pimp laughed and prepped his crossbow. He paused to read the directions and Prince waited. "Okay, I got it now."

  "Nooo," Prince wailed when he aimed and sent wooden stakes his way. They hit their target and down went Prince just like the directions said. All that was left was the final stake through the heart.

  "See how I did that!" the pimp bragged to his hoe and stepped forward to deliver the coup de gras. He lifted the stake high and brought it down with all his might towards Prince's heart. Instead it broke against the asphalt below. "Huh?"

  "That's not in the directions, huh?" Prince asked from behind him. The man's head shook before it tumbled into the air from a swipe of Prince's claws.

  The woman's eyes went wide when Prince turned her headless pimp completely upside down and let his blood run into his mouth. She has seen enough and hopped back out to run for her life.

  "Wait!" Prince demanded and stopped her dead in her tracks. Her mind was telling her limbs to keep moving but they had a new master. She was stuck in place even after he walked away.

  Meanwhile, Melcina caught up with her dinner. She strolled past the man’s rig and he popped his head out to catch her. The young, clean woman looked nothing like the stragglers and strays who roamed the truck stop.

  "Hey there, little lady! Can I get a date?" he asked and popped another donut into his face.

  "I would love a date!" Melcina sang and climbed into his cab. He led the way into the sleeper compartment and closed the partition.

  The whole truck began to rock and shake when she attacked. The little man put up a big fight since his life was on the line. He lost that fight when she sank her fangs into the layers of fat protecting his jugular.

  "Mmm!" she cheered when a rush of sweet, sugary blood flooded her mouth. Her feet did the happy food dance below as she literally sucked the life out of the man. She reached the bottom of his barrel at the same time Prince reached his family inside the restaurant.

  "Did you save me some?" Kristine asked when Prince returned.

  "On ice next to the black Lincoln," he said and switched places with her.

  Martin switched his chatter from his mother to his father when he slid into the booth. Kristine skipped happily along towards her dinner until she saw the car in question.

  The skinny addict was still stuck in place but Kristine overlooked her in hopes her husband picked a better meal than that. Addicts had an aftertaste she could do with out.

  "Um, you can go," she said and sent the woman scurrying along her way. Her senses went on high alert when she sensed another vampire in the vicinity. It just so happened to select the truck stop for the same reasons they were here. A quick, disposable meal similar to what was being slung under those golden arches.

  "What the—" the addict fussed when she got snatched up into a truck as she ran. Kristine's fangs extended their full length
as she approached.

  The feeding vampire felt her presence but it was too late.

  "What the—" he said as Kristine came crashing through the windshield. The predator became prey when she clamped down on his neck. She bit his throat away down to the spine and began to drink. The woman was spared for a second time in one night.

  "Fuck this shit!" she decided as she escaped. She was taking her ass back home where she belonged. The streets had sufficiently kicked her ass and she was done.

  "Mmm," Kristine moaned as she reached the bottom of the vampire. She could feel his energy flowing into her. She could only hope it added a new trick to her bag of tricks. Prince had a big headstart on her, but she hoped to catch up one day.


  "Humph," Kristine huffed at the results of her latest experiment. The diluted blood solution turned people into vampires just as quickly. However, it supercharged her and Prince's blood without the lethal affects as the pure blood.

  The results only lasted momentarily, reverting back to normal. It would be good for a quick boost, if needed. She fixed emergency syringes of both the diluted blood as well as the pure just in case. She and Prince had evolved and she was too smart to believe that Melcina hadn't, as well.

  "Ready?" Prince asked as he stuck his head in on her.

  "Yep. Let's get it!" she said and added the syringes to her bag of vampire killing accessories. It didn't get used much since she and Prince were vampire killing accessories themselves.

  "I know, I know. See me in a few," Martin sighed as his parents came out. Kristine was now too strong for him to read her mind, so he had to guess.

  "Yes sir, mister," she said and planted kisses all over his face. He and his father exchanged nods as they departed.

  Flying is always quicker than driving, so the couple took to the air. The height advantage also allowed them to scope out the lab as well as the surrounding area. They spotted a cargo van pulling away with the essence of their child emanating from within.

  "Take the truck. I'll handle the warehouse!" Kristine said before Prince could say the exact same.

  "Actually I was going to let you have the truck while I took care of the warehouse," he said.

  "Stop whining," she laughed and launched herself towards the truck. Kristine slammed into the moving vehicle like a missile. The force forced it into a gas station and blew up.

  "Showoff!" he said as their truck did a somersault in the air. He would not be outdone, so he launched himself at their facilities below. Prince sped around the inside of the building and created a vortex. People and equipment got sucked up into the cyclone. He shot straight up the roof just as the building went up in flames. The truck explosion had nothing on the fireworks display the lab put on.

  "Show off!" Kristine snarled, then laughed. The smile was wiped away when a wicked thought crossed her mind. She stripped out of her clothes and took off.

  "Oh no you don't!" he said and took off after her. He stripped out of his own clothes as he took off behind her. They were high above the beautiful city of Denver when he caught up with her. They shared a giggle and a kiss before getting down to the business of pleasure.

  "Back shots!" Kristine laughed as he turned her around and slid into her.

  "My fave!" he said and worked his hips. He turned her back around so they could make love face to face. Make love they did for hours until the sun began to rise. The daywalkers no longer had to worry about the harmful sun rays. They just didn't want to end up on pornhub.


  "Next stop, Californ-i-a!" Prince said as the family loaded into the vehicle. Melcina was bundled up to protect her sensitive skin from burning in the sunlight. She hurried into the SUV so she could safely unwrap.

  "Disneyland?" Martin dared.

  "Of course!" his mother insisted. She wasn't worried about spoiling the boy. Let his future wife deal with it once he was older. For now, he could have whatever he wanted.

  "I wanna try a couple of those rides myself. They didn't have that when I was a kid," Prince said.

  "They didn't have a lot of things when you were a child!" his wife reminded and cracked up laughing. Little Martin was the only one who didn't get the joke but laughed since everyone else was laughing.

  "Ha ha," he said and pulled from their hotel.

  "What do you say we swing through Vegas? Check out the buffet?" Kristine suggested.

  "The strip is the buffet!" Melcina cheered from the back seat. Prince nodded in agreement and drove toward Nevada. It was just after nightfall when the arrived in Sin City. The Vegas strip was illuminated like a modern day Gomorrah.

  "It's so loud mommy!" Martin whined and covered his ears. He could hear the disgusting thoughts swirling in the night air. Thunderous thoughts of greed and lust that made the child blush.

  "It is loud," Melcina agreed. The drumbeat of all those hearts beating was more than she could bear.

  Luckily, Prince saw their dilemma and felt their pain. He hung a left on the same corner where Tupac got shot and sped away from the strip. They found a family friendly motel and booked a suite. It was now feeding time.

  "I wanna try the food at one of these brothels!" Kristine announced.

  "I bet," Prince said. He knew first hand just how self-righteous his wife could be. She had mentioned going to visit one of the ranches since hearing a news report about one. "I'm in the mood to gangbang."

  "I wanted to check out the magic show," Melcina added while Martin hooked his portable game.

  "Well, you go first. We'll stay with him until you get back," Kristine offered. Melcina was out the door in a flash.

  She stepped out into the hot, desert air and inhaled. Then turned into a blur as she sped towards the casinos. The pounding heartbeats directed her inside one of the casinos directly on the strip.

  "Oh my!" Melcina cheered as she looked around the smorgasbord of mortals. A large woman in the buffet line caught her attention and drew her near.

  Don't make a scene she chided to herself as she closed in on her dinner, gathering her dinner.

  The woman loaded a plate high with loaded baked potatoes, stuffed chicken breast, and a bloody cut of prime rib. Melcina had chosen her and had to wait to get her alone so she could feed on her. That proved it would be easier said than done. The large lady slow walked the entire plate down her mouth, then wobbled back to the long line for seconds. Then thirds and would have been fourths.

  Melcina couldn't take it. She was still a young vampire and had little self-control. She was powerless over her desires and found herself drifting over to the woman on line. She could smell her fatty blood pulsing through her body as she neared.

  The dining room suddenly exploded in violence as the vampire attacked. Melcina didn't even hear the screams reverberating around the room when she jumped on the large woman's back. She had to tear away layers of fatty tissue before she could reach her veins. The woman screamed and flailed in desperation but Melcina hung on.

  "Grrrr!" the monster growled when she finally hit paydirt and felt a gush of hot blood enter her mouth. She sucked the sweet liquid down her throat as the woman went down. Melcina went down with her and drank while curious onlookers took footage on their phones and tablets. Some videos were uploaded before she drank her fill and stood.

  Melcina let out a loud hiss at the spectators when she stood. She was in a feeding frenzy now and had no control. Blood dripped from her fangs like a lion over a fresh kill. A guard moved in to subdue her but only got subdued himself. The vampire ripped his throat away and drank. Once she was full, she bolted out a window and scurried off into the night. This was going to be a problem.


  "Did you find something?" Kristine asked rhetorically when Melcina arrived back to the room. She knew she wouldn't have returned had she not fed. The same burning thirst affected her so she was well aware.

  "I did!" she cheered. She wanted to come clean about the mess she had made but Kristine and Prince both flew out the window
s. It would have to wait until later when they returned.

  "Ma, I..." Martin called when he returned from the bathroom. He scrunched his face at seeing Melcina where his parents just were. He shrugged his shoulders and went back to playing his game.

  "Where you headed?" Prince asked as they hovered above the Vegas strip. The view was spectacular for those into neon lights and flashing signs. Meanwhile, the two vampires just saw cattle moving about.

  "To that so-called ranch that was on the show!" she reminded. The Homewreckers Ranch was recently featured on a documentary and caught her attention. The workers bragged about breaking up families and wrecking homes.

  One woman called Sugar Lips claimed she had the best pussy on the planet. One lick had men calling home like the guy on Harlem Nights. She thought it was pretty funny but Kristine didn't. Now she was flying in her direction to go pay her a visit.

  Meanwhile, Prince wanted to go pay the city's gangbangers a little visit. They too had made national news with their violence. He loved the violence. Since they were about that life, they were about to die that death. An ugly, gruesome, violent death.

  Kristine arrived first and landed in the parking lot. She transformed into a middle-aged white man as she walked towards the building. A smiling man exited just as she reached the door. His happy ending was written all over his face. He pulled his cell from his pocket and hit the speed dial.

  "Hey, Bobby. Put your mom on the phone. Yeah, Mary. Look-it, I'm never coming home again," he said and skipped happily to his car.

  "Sugar Lips please?" Kristine requested and looked up at the menu. It contained all kinds of extra that cost extra.

  "I'm booked tight, but my next appointment is running late. Maybe I can squeeze you in," the woman said. Kristine missed most of what she said since her huge breast confused her. "Wait, that was funny? I'm tight, but can squeeze,you in?"

  "Very," the vampire laughed through her man disguise. She followed her into a room and transformed back into herself.

  "Same price for women!" Sugar demanded and produced her point of sale swipe to accept a credit card. Kristine didn't have a credit card, so she produced her fangs. "Vampires extra!"