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There Can Only Be One Page 8

  "Vampires are extra," Kristine agreed and attacked. She sank her fangs into the huge breast. She reeled away and spit the bitter silicone from her mouth.

  "Ha!" Sugar Walls yelled as she produced her crucifix. She heard it was protection from vampires but this vampire just laughed.

  "You know that's a myth, right?" she asked. The question was answered by a look of confusion, so Kristine shrugged and continued with her meal. She bit the handholding the myth completely off and spit it out.

  Sugar Lips socked her with all she had and ended up with one less hand. Kristine bit that one too and spit it beside the other one. She clamped on the woman's neck and bit her throat away. She could taste the cigarettes, gin, prescription pills and cum the woman ate all day as she drained her dry

  "Look-it. You’s ain't never coming home again either," Kristine mocked the empty shell. She transformed back into the same man as she walked out. They still had to stay under the radar from authorities who hired them to exterminate vampires. She rushed home and found Prince had beat her back.

  "Hey you," Prince greeted when Kristine returned to the hotel. He looked plenty comfortable even though he had only returned a few minutes before her. Just long enough to shower the violence of the evening away and slip into his pajamas.

  "Hey, yaself. Did you eat?" she greeted in return and stripped out of her clothes.

  "Huh?" he asked as is she asked in a foreign language. Vampire or no vampire, she was one sexy woman.

  "I asked if you ate, mister!" she laughed and blushed at his admiration. Every woman likes to know she is pleasing to her husband's eye. The look in Prince's suggested she was the apple in his.

  "Did I!" he laughed and partially filled her in on the massacre he made in the hood. "Come to find out, they weren't really 'bout that life!"


  "Melcina, no!" Kristine whined when footage of her feeding on the woman in the casino was the top story.

  "Excuse me," Prince said and excused himself so they wouldn't see him laughing. Sure it was a serious matter but that shit was funny as well.

  "I'm sorry. I couldn't help myself!" Melcina pouted and whined. "I could hear their hearts beating so loud. Then I could taste it before I even bit her!"

  "Birthday cake, huh?" Kristine heard herself say and licked her lips.

  "With white icing and sprinkles! I have no idea what came over me," she pleaded as if she wanted help. Kristine knew exactly what was wrong with her. She was a vampire. A monster and there is no controlling it. Ultimately, there was either the cure or the kill. It was closing in on the time to make that choice.

  Prince wasn't exactly off the hook either. He was totally off the hook himself last night and that made the news too. He didn't just feed, he ate. Literally, since unleashed the beast and transformed into his wolf. He attacked the gangs of both colors and united them in death.

  "Prince!" Kristine screeched when the reports of his carnage followed that of Melcina's.

  "You always in trouble," Martin said and shook his head. His patted his father on the back just in case he didn't make it back.

  "Tell me about it," he said and danced out to face the music.

  "Umm, what is that?" his wife demanded and pointed at the TV.

  "I—" he began until the scene switched to the Homewrecker Ranch. "You tell me!"

  "Really?" Kristine said of the president ordering flags to be flown at half staff in honor of the whore.

  "Well, he is an idiot," Prince reminded. "Anyway, let's get out of here."

  The family packed and prepared to take their show on the road. All signs led to Beverly Hills, California. The sooner they found out who was actually behind the synthetically made vampires the sooner they could get back to their lives.

  Once they destroyed the rest of the vampires, they could finally live in peace. At least that was the plan. Melcina bundled up to protect herself from the sun and bolted out to the car. She and young Martin had an unspoken conversation in the back seat while Prince and Martin rode upfront. They made the drive in time to catch a splendid sunset on the Pacific Ocean.

  "You see that, Martin?" Kristine asked and looked at her son in the mirror. She snapped her head around when she saw a line of blood trickle from his nostril. "What's wrong?"

  "I can feel... I feel," the boy stammered, unsure of what it was that he was feeling. His father knew, though. He felt it, too.

  "She's here. Katrina, she's here!" Prince said when he felt the unmistakable presence that he knew so well. It was stronger than ever. So strong the thought crossed his mind to turn the vehicle around and run for their lives.

  "We can defeat her together," Kristine offered as if she had read his mind, A good wife can read her husband’s face and figure out what's on his mind.

  "Plus we have our secret weapon," he remembered. The diluted solution made from their son's blood was the vampire equivalent of nitrous oxide in a dragster. It would supercharge them both if need be.

  "We do," she agreed and touched his hand. His chin lifted and he continued on towards their destination.

  Prince was nice enough to Commandeer Butta's old house since he didn't need it any more. A Tictac container could hold what was left of him after the wolf got to him. It was fully furnished and had a couple of cars to drive. Sure beats an AirBnb.

  "Watch this!" Melcina declared and hopped out of the car. Prince twisted his lips as she twirled in the fading sunlight. He wasn't impressed since the sun had already dipped below the horizon. The residue rays left were harmless.

  "Nice!" Kristine cheered in encouragement. She knew the girl wanted to be a daywalker like her and Prince, but they had other plans for her. They went inside and made themselves at home and fed Martin his dinner. When the night had finished overtaking the day, it was time for the vampires to feed. Then it was time to hunt for Katrina.

  "Should bring you guys something?" Melcina asked and prepared to go out into the night.

  "Only thing you're bringing is me!" Kristine insisted. "After the show you put on in Vegas!"

  "Like you were so subtle," Prince laughed. Not that it mattered now. If they could feel Katrina's presence, surely she could feel theirs.

  "Can we hit the Hollywood strip?" Melcina asked as they stepped out to a donated Bentley. Again her social media said it was the place to be for hip young vampires. She wanted to meet some hip young vampires so she could eat them.

  "We can!" Kristine replied happily for the same reason. She didn't mind the boost from killing more vampires since the showdown with Katrina was imminent. She was confident they would defeat her. She had to be since the alternative was death.

  "Wish I could fly," Melcina pouted as they pulled away. She hoped tonight would be the night she became powerful enough to fly like Prince and Kristine.

  "Humph," Kristine said instead of lying to her. Tonight could go either one of two ways. Neither included her being able to fly. She navigated over to the Hollywood strip and looked for some action. It didn't take long before they found some.

  "Date?" Two prostitutes called out to passing cars. "Two for one special!"

  "So they can tag team you dummies and drink your blood!" Melcina laughed when she heard it. The two vampires were new and weak, so they hunted in pairs. Both of their heads snapped towards the direction of the strong vampire presence. They spotted Kristine and made a run for it.

  "I got them!" Melcina announced and tore out after them. After a few kills, she had more powers than these girls and caught up quickly. She followed them into a alley and pounced.

  "Like a cheetah on an antelope!" Kristine cheered as she walked in behind them. Melcina had them both trapped on the pavement with her claws.

  "Let us up!" one demanded. It was followed by the other who yelled, "Set us free!!

  "Let's set them free," Kristine said and snatched one or the girls. She sagely snatched her throat out with her claws and began to drink. Melcina did the same and held her down and fed. She leaned back and felt her
power transfer into her.

  "Watch this!" Melcina declared and took to the air. She shot straight up to the top of the building. She did a twist and turn, then tumbled back towards earth.

  "Not quite, chica," Kristine comforted when she landed with a thud. They had drank their fill now it was time to handle business.


  "His bedtime is nine o'clock no matter what he says," Kristine reiterated. Melcina looked up and squinted at her while she relayed instructions as if she were never coming back.

  Martin was busy playing his game while his father packed for their mission. He loaded the “his and her” solid silver swords. The heavy metal's presence didn't affect either of them but getting cut with it was a different matter. He packed the specialized guns with bullets made from silver and laced with their son's deadly, undiluted blood.

  "Don't forget these," Kristine said and packed the diluted syringes of the diluted blood. She had designed an Epi-pen type device to deliver the dose in a hurry.

  "What about those?" Prince asked of similar devices containing Martin's pure blood. It would turn them both into God knows what but would ultimately kill them.

  "We won't need those," she said, but packed them anyway. They peeked in on their child at play but didn't say goodbye. Just in case it was really goodbye.

  "We'll have to get one of these," Prince said when they climbed into the Bentley. The car had the feel of flying first class in a aircraft.

  "Yes!" Kristine cheered. The car was okay as far as she was concerned. She was just happy to hear in speaking in future tense. Tomorrow still wasn't promised so she added an "In sha Allah."

  "Yeah, God willing," Prince agreed. It had been a long time since he thought about God. He could only hope God hadn't forgotten about him like he forgot about God.

  Kristine cast an occasional side eye at her husband as he drove along without consulting the GPS. She knew he didn't need to since she too could feel Katrina's presence as they drove. He was headed straight towards the iconic Hollywood sign high up in the hills. The feeling got stronger the closer they got. Until a trickle of blood escaped Kristine's nostril. That's when she knew they were in trouble.

  "Don't let her inside your head. Focus your thoughts on her head rolling down this hill," Prince advised and came to a stop. They grabbed their swords and got out.

  "Did you bring my boy?" Katrina asked, sitting atop the “Y” in the Hollywood sign.

  "Your boy? Bich, I'll—" Kristine growled and made a move to fly up to her.

  "Chill," Prince advised since that would be a mistake. They needed hate to defeat her, not anger.

  "You two have really hampered our plans," Katrina said as she floated down to the ground. "We have big plans for the boy."

  "We?" Prince asked and looked around for the rest of “we”, but saw no one.

  "You're trying to turn the entire world into vampires?" Kristine announced when she got it.

  "For now. Ultimately, there can be only one. Once I absorb all the powers, I will be that, one." she admitted.

  "Actually, you'll be twelve or thirteen," Prince said and drew his sword so he could chop her twelve or thirteen pieces.

  "Make that twenty!" Kristine said and drew hers as well.

  "Have it your way," Katrina shrugged. She extended her hands and transformed them both into razor sharp swords.

  Prince and Kristine weren't impressed and went on the attack. Sparks lit up the night sky as the blades clashed. The vampires moved at superhuman speed as they slashed, jabbed and thrusted. Katrina let out an eerie laugh as she twirled her swords like batons. Every time a blow was struck, the wound healed instantly. This could have gone on forever until Katrina upped the anti.

  "No fair. Two against one!" she protested. Her protest was short-lived until she split herself into two. Then two more. Now it was four against two.

  "Let's see how you like it," all four Katrina's said as they separated. This was time to get their guns, but they wouldn't be able.

  The tide shifted and both Prince and Kristine took bloody blows. More than they could recover from. More than they would recover from. It went from bad to worse when the four Katrina's split again and became eight.

  "Goodbye, Mr. and Mrs. Jones!" all eight Katrina's laugh as they closed in for the kill.

  "Now!" Kristine yelled. They both pulled the syringes filled with Martin's diluted blood. They injected themselves right in the heart and supercharged themselves.

  All sixteen of Katrina's eyes went wide when they morphed into huge wolves. One Katrina made a run, but Kristine swallowed her whole. Prince bit another in half before they attacked the rest.

  "Oh shit!" Katrina said and took flight. She said it again when the large wolves both sprouted wings from their back and took off after her. She split into two and went in separate directions.

  Prince and Kristine both took off after one. They caught their prey in mid-air and tore them to shreds. There would be no regeneration today since they swallowed the pieces. And most of blood rained down on the hillside.

  Both wolves let out a mighty howl when Katrina's powers rushed into their bodies. Kristine actually had an orgasm from the rush.

  "Really?" Prince laughed. Now, they where the most powerful vampires on the planet.


  "Awe, man!" Melcina protested when she saw what new powers Kristine developed. She was wrapped and covered to protect her from the sun while Kristine wore a sundress.

  "Don't worry chica. I got you when we get home," Kristine promised. That would take a few more hours since Martin was running around the park with the other children.

  He was still happy and healthy and showed no trace of being a vampire, besides reading people's thoughts. His parents were working on teaching him how to control it. He started school soon and they couldn't have him reading his teacher's mind.

  The day dragged on for days as far as Melcina was concerned. They finally returned home just before dusk. Once the child ate his dinner, she was ready to go forage through the city and find hers.

  "You ready?" Kristine asked when they retreated to her lab.

  "I'm ready!" she cheered and bounced. She looked forward to flying around the city and feeding on mortals. Her fangs slid out in eager anticipation.

  "I see!" she laughed and prepared a syringe. "Roll up your sleeve."

  "Will I be a daywalker?" she asked hopefully.

  "You will," Kristine said as she pushed the needle into a vein. She drew some of her vampire blood into the barrel of the syringe, then pressed the plunger sending the solution into her system. "Now, I need you to think of happy times. The best time of your life when you were little."

  "And my dad used to put me on his neck when we went to the swap meet," she recalled. A huge smile spread on her face at the pleasant memory. "I could see the whole swap meet!"

  "That's right," Kristine said softly. She knew how much she enjoyed being a vampire and could only hope the happy memory overrode her desire. It was the difference between the solution she injected from being a cure or a kill.

  Melcina was still smiling as she drifted off into a slumber.

  Well?" Prince asked when Kristine emerged from the lab alone.

  "Don't know," she shrugged and cuddled up next to him. Both were hungry but neither was in the mood to feed.

  Melcina was family but they could not let her remain a vampire. They were steadily eradicating vampires from the face of the planet. Eventually she would have to go, too. They drifted into their own heads until a knock on their bedroom door pulled them back into the present.

  "Your turn," Kristine reminded since she had to put their son back to bed last night. He nodded to her and called out.

  "Come in," Prince said and the door eased open. Instead of young Martin, a very mortal Melcina walked in.

  "Awe, man!" she pouted. She was mortal once again and didn't like it one bit.

  "It's the lesser of two evils," Kristine sighed. She was relieved to see the cure
didn't kill her.

  "Now we can eat!" Prince cheered and rolled off the bed. He and his wife set off into the night in search of prey and vampires. They would feed and kill until they were the only ones left. There would be only two.



  "Higher!" Melcina dared as Martin kicked and rocked on the swing."That's high enough!" Kristine pleaded. Vampire killing vampire or not, she was still quite the worry wart when it came to her son. She carried tools of their trade in her purse but they were powerless about kids falling off of swing sets from swinging too high.

  "He's fine," Prince insisted. He could protect his son from all foes but wouldn't protect him from childhood.

  "Watch, this!" young Martin called from high in the air. All eyes were on him when he kicked out and did several flips on his way back down to earth. He nailed the jump and raised his hands triumphantly."Told you he’s a vampire," Kristine whispered to her husband.

  "That still don't mean. he's a vampire," Prince joked. His mouth opened to laugh but he stopped in his tracks. He turned to his family and yelled, "Run!"

  "Take him and go!" Kristine insisted even though she didn't see and couldn't feel whatever spooked her husband. Melcina had been trained and knew exactly what to do and exactly where to go. She grabbed the boy and rushed away just as the weather changed.

  A sudden cold wind pushed in dark clouds that turned day into night. The presence of the tens of thousand vampires began to descend. Kristine wisely reached into her bag for help.

  "Here!" she said and produced the solution of their son's diluted blood.

  "Yeah," he agreed and accepted it. This were too many vampires to fight without the boost. They both injected themselves and prepared for battle.

  They watched the rolling fog for the legion of vampires on the way.

  "Huh?" Kristine asked when an elderly man emerged from the fog. He was bent at the waist and had an unsteady gait.

  "Look," Prince warned. The man got younger and larger with every step he took towards them.